Tuesday 21 November 2017

So, It's Been A While

You might have noticed that there's been a distinct lack of content on here for just over a month now. Well, there's a few reasons for that. The most obvious one was that October and November can be charitably called an absolute cluster-fuck of the worst possible events. Re-scheduling and time changes ensured that I was kept away from covering much in any way. What little time I did have was abruptly sidelined to new or vital things going on in life, meaning that everything on here suddenly screeched to a halt. This sort of thing tends to happen a lot as you might have noticed, but this was an especially bad case of it.

Things were only made worse by my new job. I would go into full details, but to be completely honest i'm trying to maintain some level of professionalism. So I will simply say that it was very poorly advertised to me, and within months I found myself missing working in retail, even with the screaming manchildren of customers that involved.

So, atop of a very busy two months, I found myself mentally and physically burned out on a daily basis by an uncaring job which constantly took me for granted. End result: I'm now looking for new full-time employment and living off of additional work for the moment.

Atop of this, I was actually still producing reviews for Starburst Magazine in this time. This was something I had hoped to keep the ball rolling and update things on here, especially given how title heavy this time of year is. One problem: My editors had not bothered to inform me that the entire website was being overhauled and replaced, so I was repeatedly sending them articles without them ever showing up. The last few have only just appeared now.

The end result of all of this: Little content over a long time.

So, that's going to be changing from here on. I'll be going back to daily or bi-daily updates now this series of disasters has been dealt with, starting with a couple of major book releases missed on launch. So, I hope those of you still here will enjoy that, and that we're back in business at last.


  1. Jesus, that's a full-on conga-line of misfortune right there. I sincerely hope you're doing better now!

  2. All my best wishes. I can relate to what you're going through, so take your time!

  3. Sorry to hear about the difficult experiences you were going through IRL. I am a relatively new reader of your blog, and appreciate all the work you have put into your articles. And though your absence has given me time to read some of your older articles, I am excited to see new content from you again. Cheers Mate.
