Wednesday 12 April 2017

Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (Video Game Review)

The act of taking inspiration from any retro era release is always a gamble. Many of those games, from Super Mario to Final Fantasy, were brief sparks of pure genius built from primitive programming. Few attempting to create their own modern day versions seem to truly understand what made them classics in the first place, but thankfully Castle Pixel is one of those few exceptions to this rule. In fact, Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King, might be the first with the right to truly call itself a true Zelda successor.


  1. For a second I was wondering if you're reviewed this one already, as I could remember another game that fit this description very well, but then I looked back and found that article was a preview for this one.
    I'll agree that it looks really good, and I miss the old sprite-based Zelda games so I'll definitely be checking it out.

    1. Yeah, we were given a preview copy of the first few hours and this is a follow-up covering it from start to finish. Sometimes the magazine does these, while in others it leaves them because we've given them plenty of coverage already. In this case though, given the game has sadly failed to attract much attention, it only seemed fair to try and give them something of a signal boost.
